Jeng...jeng...jeng...gambo da dpt, so it's time for da story. Hehe.
10 am naik bas to KL (Bkt Jalil). Belum pe2 lg my bag da putus...huhu
(lum bwk blk coklat yg byk lg ni). Luckily Cik Farah bwk beg lbh, so i borrow her bag. Arrive at Bkt Jalil around 2pm.
Naik LRT ke Bandar Tasik Selatan then naik ERL ke LCCT. Quite penat coz kna angkut beg
smbil mencari2 LRT dan ERL...huhu. Mklum ar sume pun x biasa kt KL so x biasa naik
Arrive at LCCT around 4.30pm
(kalo x silap ar)...flight kul 6.55pm. So abskn masa at LCCT mkn @ McD, b'fotogedik n solat. Then, 6.55pm naik flight
(nasib baik x delay) and arrive at Langkawi Airport around 8pm.
Smpi je trus amik luggage n book cab. Around 9pm smpi ar kami di bilik b'nombor 1125 @ Langkawi Boutique Resort. Apalagi time to mandi n tido...hehe.
Pagi2 lg da bgn coz we all plan nk sewa kete. 8.30 am da turun breakfast then trus berjalan along the road at Pantai Chenang utk cari kete sewa.
Unfortunately the rental is expensive than what we survey b4 this. Oleh kerana keletihan dan kepanasan maka me and Farah decide to rest jap di tepi pantai...hehe. Sempt ar snap gambo. Siap ada tourist from Holland amikkn gambo kitorg. Sian kot tgk dak kenit 2 org ni t'kial2 amik gambo..haha.
After that, we took da cab to Kuah and decide to rent the car at there. Luckily da taxi driver knalkn kitorg dgn his fren so we got to rent the car with reasonable price. Dpt je kete trus crk tmpt utk shoping coklat at Kuah.
After shoping, da next plan is utk naik cable car at Mount Mat Cinang (if i'm not mistaken the name). Again we are lucky coz dpt tiket murah ble beli trus through the dealer at Kuah. Only RM 14.
Quite far gak ar from Kuah to the Cable Car. Around 40 minutes..mklum ar yg bwk kete pun
slow je...haha. (sapekah itu??). Sgt best naik the cable car tp gayat arr gak. The scenery mmg superb *_^. After few hours at there kitorg blk semula ke Kuah coz fid lum boring coklat lg.
Then bergambar plak kt Dataran Lang. Tp disbbkn da mlm so the photos are not very satisfying...huhu. Pas2 apalagi blk hotel mandi n tido...hehe.
At that day, Farah n Fid need to present paper at conference. So i took this opportunity to rest at hotel. Sambil2 kemas brg. Very da pening nk susun brg...huhu. 2 ar..masa beli x pk nk bwk blk cne.
After conference, kitorg trus ke airport n check in. Huh, the service is very suck =(. Kitorg trpksa beratur pjg n the counter label is not clear. Penat2 beratur then bru tau salah lane. Walhal masa 2 not the peak season. Kalo time cuti sekolah x tau ar cne keadannya...huhu.
Naik flight around 3.15pm then arrive at LCCT around 5pm. Delay coz hujan at KL. After mkn
(punya ar lmbt bru nk lunch) we took da bus to Seremban n from there to JB. Arrive at JB around 11.45pm. So tired but trpksa amik kete from my sister then drive blk umah sewa.
Chocolates that we borong at Kuah
The place where we stay
Even though perjlnn sgt memenatkn...but it's a fun journey. Especially at Langkawi. Last time I've been there at there are a lot of changes in Langkawi. It's a nice place for honeymoon (en.tunang lum penah smpi lg..huhu) and i want to bring my family someday to Langkawi *_^