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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr KK ke Bintulu ke JB got parcel from far far away. A gift from en.tunang from KK. Went straight to opis after got kal. Then can't wait to open the parcel. Jeng...jeng...jeng...

That's the gift received...hehe. Very nice en.tunang put the gifts in the sweet red box. Presentable gitu =p

Anyway, the gifts in the box are...

Got magnet Sabah Borneo n pearl bracelet =)

That's the bracelet...sweet bgt =) U know how to pick ha.. =p

Mayb it's a small thing...but what make me excited is En.tunang rarely make surprise. If he want to buy present, he just ask the receiver to choose their own gifts. No surprise feeling lor =p.. As for me, usually i'm quite shy to choose so lastly i'll told's need to buy me anything..huhu. Pdhal i'll accept whatever u giv me. Whether its expensive or not. The important thing is the sentimental value.

Anyway, to en.tunang...thank u very much for the presents. The bracelet is so sweet =). Mayb lately i'm quite emo...struggling with my own depress feeling. But deep in my heart...i feel sorry and regret. Sorry that i can't say it in front of u. Hope that whatever happen u know what is inside my heart. Sorry again n thanks for everything...


  1. ole2 utk kitaorg takde ke?? hihiihihi..

  2. hehe...tanya en.mau..
    Enul...ble due? adiah utk baby je ar nnt =p

  3. insyaALLAH 20.10.2010..cun kan tarih.hahaha
    aunty anid & uncle mau kawen thn depan kan.nanti ada la baby ms tue :)

  4. wah...cun seh tarikh...=)
    ok...leh tngkp gambo ngn ninja's junior...hehe


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